Saturday, March 10, 2007

Strike out

Today was the Seattle Bike Expo just a few blocks from my house. I was excited because the Stormy Velomobile from Lightfoot cycles was going to be there. Their prototype was there, but it was immediately clear that it was just too small. Damn. A nice bike at a nice price.... but way too small. The people there were very nice, but it was frustrating. There was also a go-one there and they let me sit in it. The guy was just a local owner from Portland, but he was very generous. He was not concerned about my weight.. and was sure I would fit in. I did.. but barely. Man. My head touched.. and my shoulders were squeezed by the cabin sides. At $11,000... it was just not good enough of a fit. Also.. this machine has no ground clearance really. I must say.. the level of fit and finish in the Go-one is very good. Not a fan of the seat... and I didnt ride it.. but it looks good. The fit and finish of the prototype Stormy wasn't good.. and there are many bugs to work out.. but it does have promise for a smaller rider. They really are going to have to do some major reworking on the body.

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